Comment by zie

Comment by zie 12 hours ago

2 replies

Nice start!

There are a few other OSS implementations, a list on Wikipedia:

As someone who has helped write and manage one used internally at a thousands of active employee organization I have some thoughts:

Most of these skip over authorization of transactions, which is very important in many organizations. I.e. Tootie wants to buy a new widget. Her supervisor probably has to approve it along with someone from budget/accounting to confirm we actually have the cash to pay for said widget, etc.

These authorization/workflow systems can get stupidly complex. Ours is rule/action based via regex matches against columns in the DB, and we support a _rules view on said table, to help achieve our goals and allow customization for each "module" or type of transaction that needs authorization.

The other thing often missing is auditing. We have auditors show up once or twice a year and pour over our transactions, audit and access logs. We record every I/U/D that happens against any table in the DB and have kept this information forever. We also have a support ticket system with integrated VCS that we use religiously to help handle the why, that also never erases information.

The next big thing often missing is reporting. We have thousands of reports. Every employee basically needs a few different ones. The key people(The accounting, payroll, AP and budget departments, tend to get dozens of reports per employee).

We perhaps overly abuse use PostgreSQL's access controls. Every user gets a login, and we use row and column level access controls. This way all of the above features are tied into access control. So if we make a generic report(say a birthday list), we can make it available for everyone, but a supervisor can only see their own employees and say the main manager at a particular location can only see records pertaining to their location.

Lastly, these systems do not live in isolation, we are often the first and last source for information. We import and export data automatically against a wide range of various systems, from SSO to random one-off messes some employee managed to get installed somewhere. Having a sane way to deal with IO is essential. Our current best method is for every system we have to two-way sync with(which almost always happens if the product lives past the first year), we keep a separate world-view of what we think their data is. This way when stuff inevitably breaks, we can easily track down if it's an us or them problem and get it routed appropriately. Since we keep both our world-view AND their world-view in our PostgreSQL database, we can replicate any previous state(due to keeping both world-views and precise auditing).

robertlagrant 7 hours ago

All of that makes sense. Using your database's user model is something I've thought about for different types of system, but never done.

I have a random, different question: what was the process by which this effort was approved? I can imagine a lot of companies (and their C[TI]Os) would say "Well, we should buy Oracle Financials and customise it".

How do you get a large enough org to afford this development effort, without getting an org that picks a prebuilt solution that can be customised?

  • zie 7 hours ago

    It's because we are very old and we had custom software originally, way back in the 70 and 80's when we were first getting computers. When OpenVMS(the system our custom software was running on) was EOL'd, the existing team was given a lot of leeway to find a replacement. We were not very excited about the options and we had programmer staff already dedicated to the old custom software. Also users wanted "GUI" and "Web". So we implemented a new system in Python and PostgreSQL. PG functions are written in Python too.

    I wasn't part of the original team, but I was there for the re-write. I brought in Python and PostgreSQL and I created two-way sync between the old OpenVMS system and PostgreSQL, so we could take our time and didn't need to have a big cutover date. That was a HUGE selling point that got everyone on board.