zamalek 15 hours ago

We could use it to restore our own genome. The Y chromosome may become extinct in as little as 5Myr[1], such a record may allow our descendants to refresh it. We'd be avoiding a pretty common scifi trope (although the trope usually arises due to cloning).


  • ahazred8ta 5 hours ago

    Urban legend. Almost all of the gene loss happened 200 million years ago in early mammals. In the past 40 million years, our ancestors lost one Y-chromosome gene one single time about 20 million years ago. In the 7 million years since we separated from chimps, there have not been any genes lost from the Y.

    Note: a similar shrinking pattern is seen in birds, where females have a small W chromosome and males have two large Z's.

dyauspitr 16 hours ago

You never know. In the pre nuclear age, human genome were slightly different.