Comment by runarberg

Comment by runarberg 19 hours ago

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I don’t think most of us here on HN are experts in international humanitarian law, and certainly not in this thread. The sources I have read which includes opinions from such experts seem to make it pretty clear that this attack did indeed violate international humanitarian law[1]:

> Whitson said the high casualties of the attacks demonstrate that booby-trapped devices are “inherently indiscriminate”.

> “They’re incapable of being directed at a specific military target, and it’s very obvious from what we’ve seen and what was completely predictable that it would injure military targets and civilians without distinction,” she told Al Jazeera.

> Whitson added that the explosions were a “deliberate decision on the part of Israel” to create chaos in Lebanon. “This is exactly why booby traps of ordinary civilian objects are illegal – because not only do they cause physical harm and injury, they cause psychological and emotional harm.”

> Huwaida Arraf, a US-based human rights lawyer, echoed Whitson’s remarks, saying that the explosions violated the prohibition on indiscriminate attacks as well as a ban on booby-trapping devices associated with civilian use.

> That latter curb is laid out in the 1996 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps, and Other Devices – a UN treaty.


Most of here on HN can only speak of our own morality on the matter. And it seems that quite a few HN users have no problems with this blatant act of terrorism, or at least deem that any problems they do have with it are worth it for some—in my opinion—twisted reason.

EDIT: As I was writing this, the Intercept emailed me the daily newsletter including this article which also cites experts in international humanitarian laws casting doubts on the legality of this attack.

> “I think detonating pagers in people’s pockets without any knowledge of where those are, in that moment, is a pretty evident indiscriminate attack,” said Jessica Peake, an international law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. “I think this seems to be quite blatant, both violations of both proportionality and indiscriminate attacks.”