Comment by kylehotchkiss

Comment by kylehotchkiss 17 hours ago

2 replies

I really like the concept. But it also sort of makes me sad - what about all the DNA we haven't archived, which could hold so many secrets about solving diseases? Of course we don't all want it sequenced when we're alive because of the privacy concerns.

asimovfan 17 hours ago

i expect in the future all information perhaps could be recovered.. everyone possibly revived.. so its a question of how early

Teever 14 hours ago

I foresee a future where people obtain genetic samples of their long-dead ancestors and they decide to clone and gestate them in artificial wombs.

Imagine a weird youtube channel that is a combination of urban exploration / it's just a prank bro / DIY science where they break into a crypt to dig up the bones of some historical figure to grow a clone in a vat for clout.