Comment by perlgeek

Comment by perlgeek 15 hours ago

1 reply

I don't see government monopolies as immediate red flags.

In most nations it's widely accept that the state has a monopoly on violence (usually through the police force), and it's not clear to me what a good alternative to that would be.

I also want my government to have a monopoly on taxation, I don't want any private company or gang to be able to just collect taxes from me, without any repercussion.

As for secrets? We probably have to distinguish a bit between secrets/data at rest vs. secrets/data in transit. I could well imagine that a good balance between security and privacy could require some tradeoffs when it comes to data in transit.

berkes 12 hours ago

Good point. And while I too accept a state to have a monopoly on things, especially those you mention, secrets aren't those.

Because we all have them, need them, and because a society cannot function without them - there are many books and papers written about the "nothing to hide fallacy". We all really need some privacy. How much, is a different question, though. So in this discussion: maybe we don't need the level of "TOR by default for everyone", IDK.