Comment by godisdad

Comment by godisdad 11 hours ago

5 replies

Five clicks in to a visualization tool’s website I don’t see any diagrams or screenshots makes it challenging to want to kick the tires on this

theideaofcoffee 11 hours ago

Damn, not much has changed since I last looked at the project nearly 15 years ago when evaluating it against other management packages in an academic computing center. So frustrating to have all of the words words words and not a single shot of it in action, ya know, like you’d see it when in use.

neofrommatrix 11 hours ago

There’s a link to their YouTube channel in documentation. That has a few demos, although I did not check them out

  • rrrix1 11 hours ago

    I never understand why people do this. This is a great way to lose your prospective leads to cat videos.

cbsmith 10 hours ago

I don't find the visualizations shown on websites terribly convincing, so I kind of get it. Yes, you need to kick the tires to understand if it is useful.

[removed] 9 hours ago