Comment by bluehatbrit

Comment by bluehatbrit 11 hours ago

4 replies

I suppose like anything, it's a preference based on where the majority of your experience is, and what you're using it for. If you're running things you've written and it's all done the same way, docker probably is just an extra step.

I personally run a bunch of software I've written, as well as open source things. So for me docker makes everything significantly easier, and saves me installing a lot of rubbish I don't understand well.

oarsinsync 10 hours ago

After 20 years of various things breaking on my (admittedly franken) debian installs after each dist-upgrade, and spending days troubleshooting each time, I recently took the plunge and switched all services to docker-compose.

I then booted into a new fresh clean debian environment, mounted my disks, and:

  cd /opt/docker/configs; for i in *; do cd $i; docker-compose up -d; cd ..; done
voila, everything was up and working, and no longer tied to my underlying OS. Now at least I can keep my distro and kernel etc all up to date without worrying about anything else breaking.

Sure, I have a new set of problems, but they feel smaller.

  • dijksterhuis 6 hours ago

    Thou hast discovered docker's truest use case.

    Like, legit, this is the whole point of docker. Application/service dependencies are no longer tied to the server it is running on, mitigating the worst parts of dependency hell.

    Although, in your case, I suppose your tolerance for dependency hell has been quite high ;)

  • Ringz 7 hours ago

    I'm doing exactly the same thing. I started to do everything on Synology with Doctor Compose and got rid of most Synology apps: through open source applications.

    At some point I moved individual containers to other machines and they work perfectly. VPS, NUC no matter what.

stackskipton 10 hours ago

Yea, in same boat and I'm wondering if there is big contingent of devs out there that bristle at Docker. Biggest issue I run into writing my lab software is finding decent enough container registry but now I just endorse free tier of Vultr CR.