Comment by foxyv

Comment by foxyv 11 hours ago

3 replies

Yes it is possible. However, it would probably require regulatory changes. It would really suck to have your internet shutdown because someone was pirating movies on the mesh.

throwaway48540 11 hours ago

Let's start with the technology, then it can be used to argue for legal changes.

  • foxyv 10 hours ago

    I think the technology is already there to hook into a 5g network and repeat it. However, you would need to create a network "Provider" for the mesh. Then you would need to connect all the nodes. In the end you have made one more wireless company. I think the governance model for the mesh provider would be way more important than the tech itself.

    However, creating the Wikipedia/Internet Archive of wireless ISPs would be pretty awesome.

    • throwaway48540 10 hours ago

      Connecting the nodes through a common backbone shouldn't be necessary in a mesh network. Nodes can provide connectivity by relaying even if they don't have access to internet directly.