Comment by wise0wl

Comment by wise0wl 15 hours ago

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From the very beginning of my tenure at my current "start-up" I wrote a Rust bespoke implementation using the base OpenTelemetry library with lots of opinionated defaults and company specifics. We integrated this early on in our microservice development, and it's been an absolute game changer. All of our services include the library and use a simple boilerplate macro to include metrics and tracing into our Actix and Tonic servers, Tonic client, etc. Logs are slurped off Kubernetes pods using promtail.

It was easy enough that I, as a single SRE (at the time) could write and implement across dozens of services in a few months of part-time work while handling all my other normal duties. OpenTelemetry has proved to be worth the investment, and we have stayed within the Grafana ecosystem, now paying for Grafana Cloud (to save our time on maintaining the stack in our Kubernetes clusters).

I would absolutely recommend it. I would recommend it and hopefully use it at any new future positions.