Comment by aatd86

Comment by aatd86 11 hours ago

2 replies

Is it the issue or is it rather than any measurement of entangled quantum state change is modifying the measurement to the extent that there is a chicken and egg problem?

Basically reading quantum data is also a write operation?

eigenket 11 hours ago

The issue the person above is alluding to is known as the no communication theorem.

It has a wiki page

But the upshot is basically that entanglement doesn't let you do anything unless you send some classical data as well.

  • aatd86 11 hours ago

    Thanks. The reason still seem to be related to the uncertainty principle although I am not sure.

    The same way they explain no-cloning but it seems to be analogous to identity within a system with interaction from neighboring data. Ultimately there is no pure independent state. Data always exists within context. Hence causality and spatial preservation (no instant physical teleportation as far as is currently understood). (in very layman's terms)