Comment by Sn0wCoder

Comment by Sn0wCoder 11 hours ago

2 replies

This looks great. Just bookmarked and then had to double check that I did not just bookmark it a few weeks ago. Turns out I had bookmarked Caddy which is similar but does not deploy the app and don’t think supports Docker. It was the auto CERT that was what I was interested in and what had stuck out in my mind. Have certbot setup and never think about it again, until my server needed to be rebuilt, and I started researching. Good to go for a few months, but my hosting will be up here in a year and going to switch providers and upgrade my setup to 2+ gig so I can run docker reliably. Thanks for posting this one just moved to the top of the list.

indigodaddy 10 hours ago

In what sense would Caddy not support Docker? You can use caddy on the host itself to proxy to a docker container, and you could also have Caddy as a Docker container to proxy to other Docker containers (would just need an initial incoming iptables rule to the caddy container for the latter scenario— although caddy might have instructions somewhere on a more elegant way than iptables to get the connections to the Docker caddy container not sure)

  • Sn0wCoder an hour ago

    Hey indigo,

    Thank you for pointing this out. When I was looking to install caddy, I was specifically looking for something without using docker since my VPS is 1g / 1cpu and that is what I based my comment off. When was reading the sidekick docs seemed by running one command that it would first install sidekick and then install the cert/app all with one docker file but now I am not even sure about that.

    Appreciate you pointing that out, now I am back into analysis paralysis on which one I should use