Comment by devmor

Comment by devmor 11 hours ago

3 replies

Wow this is super handy! I have paid tools that function like this for a couple of specific stacks but this seems like an amazing general purpose tool.

Considering the ease of setup the README purports, a few hours of dealing with this might save me a couple hundred bucks a month in service fees.

mightymoud 9 hours ago

Glad you found this useful. Let me know if you have specific features in mind.

  • devmor 9 hours ago

    I didn't see anything in the readme about deploy hooks - do you have a feature that lets users run arbitrary commands after the image is deployed? I have common use cases for both pre (ex. database migrations) and post (ex. Resource caching, worker spinup) traffic switchover.

    • mightymoud 9 hours ago

      Yup deploy hooks are on my mind. Just didn't put them on Readme. Shouldn't be very hard to implement. Might do this first before docker-compose support.