Comment by andrewla

Comment by andrewla 11 hours ago

1 reply

As an R programmer the examples given on the landing page seem very foreign to me -- you are almost always writing vectorized code in R, so I would think that would be front and center.

    let x: int = 1
Is this a list of ints or a pure singleton? R doesn't have scalar types, so it would seem the former, but the example makes it unclear. Later in the docs it makes it clearer:

    let x: int = (1, 2, 3)
And this, as an R developer, I can definitely get behind -- the c(...) syntax is always awkward and having a native syntax for static arrays is a welcome change.
juujian 10 hours ago

Yeah, it's not an idiomatic example. I like the idea, but this makes me worry that the project does not have the right priorities. I.e., supporting my use cases :D