yoyohello13 11 hours ago

> But lament not. These rationalists can be exploited for fun, profit, and votes.

Implying that religious people are not (have not) been exploited in this way for centuries?

ziddoap 11 hours ago

>But lament not. These rationalists can be exploited for fun, profit, and votes.

Wow, very pleasant and inspiring. What a wonderful thing to encourage (and, dare I say, on brand).

zelphirkalt 13 hours ago

Exploiting for profit -- That sounds exactly like what some religious structures are doing. Perhaps "fun" for them, but bad for the ones exploited.

  • roninorder 12 hours ago

    I am an atheist but it's preposterous to dismiss the fact that a vast number of people find healing in organized or individualized religion. Or to suggest that the sole purpose of religion is exploitation for profit.