Comment by bluehatbrit

Comment by bluehatbrit 11 hours ago

1 reply

This is super nice, and I'm a big fan of the detailed readme with screenshots.

I'll definitely be trying it out, although I do have a pretty nice setup now which will be hard to pull away from. It's ansible driven, lets me dump a compose file in a directory, along with a backup and restore shell script, and deploys it out to my server (hetzner dedicated via server auction).

It's really nice that this handles TLS/SSL, that was a real pain for me as I've been using nginx and automating cerbot wasn't the most fun in the world. This looks a lot easier on that front!

mightymoud 9 hours ago

Sounds like you have a great setup. My vision is to make a setup like yours more accessible really w/o having to play with low level config like ansible. I think you should try to replace nginx with Traefik - it handles certs out of the box!