alnwlsn 8 hours ago

FreeCAD. Or, if it's simple enough, I write it by hand and use Python to do loops. I've got a handful of Python scripts that can mill holes, make square pockets, write text in a vector font, etc.

WillAdams 10 hours ago

Opensource options include:

- Solvespace --- limited to 2D last I checked

- FreeCAD has a workbench for CAM/toolpath generation

- BlenderCAM is a plug-in for Blender which is well-regarded, and together w/ CADsketcher/BlenderCAD works well for some folks

- Kiri:Moto

- pyCAM --- a venerable option, it worked well ages ago when I used my son's gaming computer to make toolpaths.

Rather rough (possibly outdated) list at:

Joel_Mckay 10 hours ago

In general, FreedCAD has 3-axis tool path support, and I've met the kind local guy who started the original Path toolbox.

For 2.5D there are several engraver options with the inkscape mightyscape plugins (scorchworks etc.)

YMMV with the island-routing and surface probing routines:

Also, we are currently evaluating: viaconstructor, inkcut, GCAM ( )

If you want 3D contouring operations, than you could also try:


And note, if you patch CAMotics to compile on ubuntu 24.04.x it still has a number of Qt5 GUI problems (not entirely unexpected with Qt impact on LTS programs.)

There are also direct gcode generator macros that support the LinuxCNC/emc language extensions. This is the most accurate methodology for turning and milling ops.

Best of luck, =3