Comment by gregmac

Comment by gregmac 13 hours ago

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> The minute that "keeping up to date with the UI library" requires any significant amount of attention you are draining any velocity you added.

Adding to this: consider that not everyone is reading your release notes weekly or even monthly, and might be coming back to work on something that's been shelved for months.

Having a "breaking changes" page in your docs is incredibly useful when someone is faced with upgrading a project that uses eg v1.1 when your current release is v3.5, as they can quickly find the things that need to change without having to read through 17 pages of release notes.

"Component X was removed in version 3.0, use y or z instead"

"v2.0 changed how configuration works. Instead of always reading the file config.json, there are now several ways to configure, see docs [here]. You can keep using the old file by adding the code: Config.ReadFile('config.json')."