Comment by mtlmtlmtlmtl

Comment by mtlmtlmtlmtl 15 hours ago

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As someone who's actually used Tor for illegal activities(buying drugs) this is completely missing the point. Criminals generally are not thinking about doing something completely risk free. The dumb ones don't consider risk at all, because they're desperate/addicted, and just hope/assume they won't get caught. More clever ones assume they'll be caught and try to make conviction less likely.

For instance, for buying drugs, the ordering isn't the risky bit. Receiving it in the mail is. Even if tor was magically "100% safe" the crime overall wouldn't be. The point of using tor is not to eliminate all risk, it's just to decouple payment from reception. I had my drugs intercepted by customs once, but they couldn't prove I ordered them, so they dropped the case. I'm sure it might've been possible for them to prove it if they spent a lot of resources trying to trace crypto transfers and so on, but police only do that if the fish is big enough because they're resource constrained.

Tor is just another tool criminals can use to reduce risk. It's not perfect, but for most things it's the best thing available.