Comment by ashu1461

Comment by ashu1461 14 hours ago

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So we had a team with around 40 devs and we switched to a component library successfully. After 1.5 years there is now 10% legacy code still available, but mostly we are good.

Some of the steps that we undertook and are not mentioned in other comments.

- We had a migration team set up with 1 developer and the team lead from each team.

- Arranged weekly migration sessions for 2 hours where each team would pick some components and migrate it.

- Made sure that it is the joint responsibility of all the people to maintain the library and not sure a single platform team. This way the teams will at least have more affinity to the components that they have made.

Overall I found the cross team weekly migration sessions to be extremely effective, in such scenarios once people know that it is going to be done on regular basis and it is important, they start giving more weightage mentally.