Suppafly 20 hours ago

>Who knows, if you are not advocating for everyone to have access to nukes

Is there a non-stupid way to make that sentence make sense in the context of this thread?

selfhoster11 18 hours ago

If unstoppable corporations had literal nukes, I see no reason why it would be hypocritical to wish for private individuals to have them too.

mmh0000 18 hours ago

Yeah! Text autogenerated from a computer's probability engine will lead to people having "wrong thoughts"!

We should ban libraries and books too! I wouldn't want people to have an opportunity to learn for themselves.

<end sarcasm>

On a less sarcastic note. No, text and images can not hurt you. All of this censorship and "safety" silliness is attempted moat building that needs to stop. Thankfully, if you search around a little you can find uncensored[1] models

