Comment by FrankLicea

Comment by FrankLicea 14 hours ago

2 replies

How relevant is this when AI has the ability to both write and debug massive code bases?

I imagine a future world where 100% of coding and debugging is done by prompt not by editing code.

tonyedgecombe 14 hours ago

If that comes to pass then I can foresee a world where code bases grow in size and complexity to the point of being barely maintainable. After all that's what we tend to do right now.

  • lubujackson 9 hours ago

    It's effectively no different than the shift from coding in assembly to using a compiler. We could abstract a level of complexity away, which should always be a positive. There will always be a level of human decision making because AI relies on human decisions and choices, so higher level architecting will be the new "scripting language" and we will all become the new neckbeards complaining how nobody know what's happening under the hood.