kstrauser 12 hours ago

A past job used Pivotal for several years until a new employee asked if we'd ever heard of Linear. I think we started the migration maybe a month later.

sofixa 9 hours ago

> bloated

This is like Excel - nobody needs more than 20% of all its features... but a different 20% for everyone. Project Management/Tracking needs can vary a lot between orgs or even people.

  • necovek 9 hours ago

    That's not really true: witness Jira boards which are really kanban boards replicated everywhere. Jira, by now, is mostly a database of issues with a terrible management interface that's only accessed through the "boards" features.

    At least in the "agile" (actual or lookalike) software development.

ilrwbwrkhv 12 hours ago

As soon as the AI features start showing up in Linear, it's time to jump ship. You know for sure VCs are pushing for that in the weekly meeting.

  • dvngnt_ 8 hours ago

    it's been there for about a year. you can use plain text to search issues, and the slack bot will auto-create titles when you create issues from there.

  • ethbr1 10 hours ago

    If it takes the pressure off, then go ahead and add those features.

    But carve it in immutable, legal stone that there will always be a classic (reddit style: old) version of the product that's feature-complete but maintained.

    ... my suspicion is there's actually legalese somewhere that mandates the continuity of old.reddit.com. Otherwise, I'm at a loss to explain its continued existence in light of aggressive app pushing.

    • ilrwbwrkhv 9 hours ago

      That's true. They are maybe the only major player who went with that approach. I wonder if their users are that vocal?