Comment by alexhutcheson

Comment by alexhutcheson 12 hours ago

5 replies

Are there any open source self-hostable tracking/project management tools that still have a committed team and forward momentum?

I used to self-host a Phabricator instance, which I liked a lot, but the upstream maintainer made the reasonable decision to step away.

My guess is there is not much of a niche for self-hosted solutions anymore. The GitHub Issues free tier covers most of the low-complexity use-cases, while higher-complexity use-cases are addressed by enterprise SaaS.

Terretta 10 hours ago

Phabricator? OK, how about…







A bit like Phabricator, these are almost frameworks that can do a ticketing UI.

// But really, probably something mentioned elsewhere in the thread, Taiga:


nattaylor 12 hours ago is a community fork that appears pretty active.

I was also very fond of Phabricator (all though my team preferred GitHub style pull requests) but I haven't had a need for it recently, so I haven't tried phorge myself.

  • [removed] 12 hours ago
sofixa 12 hours ago

> Are there any open source self-hostable tracking/project management tools that still have a committed team and forward momentum?

> My guess is there is not much of a niche for self-hosted solutions anymore. The GitHub Issues free tier covers most of the low-complexity use-cases, while higher-complexity use-cases are addressed by enterprise SaaS.

Especially with the presence of free SaaSes such as Trello, and integrated project management in self-hosted GitLab, yeah.