Comment by ocodo

Comment by ocodo 12 hours ago

3 replies

Agreed, as an ex-pivot I really liked PT (relative to Jira et al.)

It was clear the VMWare was going to gut the company, and Broadcom only made that clearer.

It was once a great company... (Pivotal Labs)

Now it's toast.

tptacek 12 hours ago

I have never understood the VMWare/Pivotal thing, to the point where I assumed there must be two different companies named that for VMWare to have bought a company called Pivotal.

  • Texasian 11 hours ago

    Pivotal Labs was acquired by EMC back in the day. They bundled it with some cloud foundry work and created Pivotal. When Dell acquired EMC they also acquired a big share of Pivotal. Dell then decided to squeeze more blood from the VMWare stone and forced them to acquire Pivotal before selling the whole thing off to Broadcom.

  • ta988 12 hours ago

    It was a different company until 2019. And they were doing great stuff, but it all went down after the acquisition.