Comment by _boffin_

Comment by _boffin_ 13 hours ago

1 reply

Worked at CoreLogic Labs, which was 100% influenced by The Pivotal Way. It would leave me utterly tired at the end of the day from the pairing, but what a way to reduce some silos and increase productivity.

1 computer, 2 mice, and 2 keyboards. Had a few mice wars that got frustrating at times, but still loved it. Had my best manager there of my career — Guss.

Quite sad that they’re shutting down Tracker as it’s just such a good tool compared to others.

twic 7 hours ago

I remember starting at Pivotal and being shocked by the two mice, two keyboards (and two displays, mirrored) setup. At the previous XP shops i had worked at, we had one mouse, one keyboard, and one display (comprising two monitors) - sharing the physical peripherals made sharing and transferring responsibility completely natural. It seemed bizarre to me to duplicate them, introduce what you call mouse wars, and make it impossible to point at something on the screen. But of course, everyone at Pivotal insisted that theirs was the only way to do it!