Comment by pc86

Comment by pc86 16 hours ago

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As relevant today as it has ever been: - "Don't Talk to the Police" by Regent Law professor James Duane (2012). 19M views for a reason, it's a great talk that I've watched a couple times now. And a former cop who was an L3 at the time of the video also speaks very convincingly on the topic, and about how the only times people who they knew were guilty but couldn't prove it got away were when they lawyered up and shut up immediately.

As always there are caveats that he goes into regarding how to assert the right and all that but the major thrust is if the police want to talk to you for any reason, just don't. Lots of great stories, too.

You are under no legal obligation to assist police in their investigations. Give only the information you are legally required to (varies by state and whether it's a consensual encounter, detainment, arrest, etc.), and no more. If you're arrested say you want an attorney and you will not answer questions until they arrive.