Comment by zerkten

Comment by zerkten 15 hours ago

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This is very true. You only have to look at the list authors/editors of the specs from Oasis to see that they square up with the individuals identified by Joel in

If XML was removed, these specs wouldn't have been much better. The motivation of the companies sponsoring specs was to build something that sold more enterprise middleware and identity servers. This was never going to be attractive to the individuals working with IETF, or the people working on web standards who'd create WHATWG (I know SAML isn't their domain.)

Many readers here also won't be aware of how web services, SOAP, and XML were the AI hype of the time. These were getting pushed into every kind of solution. At the same time, the alternative options for document and serialization formats weren't ubiquitous, so having XML everywhere was somewhat pragmatic for the average developer. I can't imagine ASP (or early-.NET) developers trying to deal with ASN.1.