Comment by wrl

Comment by wrl 13 hours ago

4 replies

Looks like it, that's new! I tried Linear quite some time ago and it didn't "stick", I'll have to give it another shot.

Thanks for the tip!

jeffnappi 13 hours ago

Linear is the best project management for software I've ever used, highly recommend. They've added many many amazing features this year... Incredible team over there that are just a joy to work with.

  • t1mmen 12 hours ago

    +1. Linear is a great PM tool, maybe even the best. What makes it awesome is their support team. I’ve been in touch with them a handful of times over the past ~5 years, and each time, they’ve been excellent — fast response times, with genuine and tech savvy people on the other side.

  • jamil7 12 hours ago

    I really like it too but am worried it will go the way of other tools and need to start appealing to enterprise to expand.

  • ilrwbwrkhv 11 hours ago

    Linear is starting to hit against the boundary of enterprise requirements: tracking and compliance where as a product company needs to ship great products. The VC returns is in the former so it will be interesting to see which path they choose.