Comment by sodapopcan

Comment by sodapopcan 13 hours ago

6 replies

I never worked at Pivotal but did work in a 100% pairing cultural (it wasn’t forced but our team did it for three years) and I desperately miss it. It’s so hard to find companies that do it.

willsmith72 13 hours ago

I miss it every time I review a behemoth PR, or another engineer proposes a giant design change in a PR.

Those discussions need to happen earlier

  • glenjamin 12 hours ago

    I’ve been asked to review massive PRs that were produced by a pair plenty of times.

    • sodapopcan 11 hours ago

      People have very different views on this and there are no rules, but in my view one of the major benefits of pairing all the time is NOT doing code review.

BurningFrog 13 hours ago

I worked with several Pivotal teams, and also really miss it.

I've never been as productive or had that much fun at work.

  • sodapopcan 11 hours ago

    > I've never been as productive or had that much fun at work.

    This was my experience as well.

[removed] 13 hours ago