saagarjha 21 hours ago

How are you putting gas in your car my guy

  • talldatethrow 7 hours ago

    Dude idk how this is so difficult. At a gas station, in a well lit place near a road, with a worker inside, where you are only for 4 minutes... If someone heads in your direction that you don't like, you can be in your car in 2-3 seconds.. and drive away. Even if you left the pump in your car.

    OR, you can be in an EV for 20 minutes... In a corner of a parking lot... And if someone comes up to your window... You can basically sit there and hope he doesn't have a free piece of ceramic to break your window and hold a knife to you until you give him whatever he wants.

    I promise you, as soon as that class of criminal realizes EVs CAN NOT MOVE while plugged in, it's going to get weird.

    • saagarjha 3 hours ago

      Is your entire argument that electric vehicles will typically not start when plugged in, while some gas cars are not advanced enough that they let you literally wrench the gas pump off if you drive away with it connected, an action that can cause serious if not catastrophic damage to your vehicle and the station equipment? Do you really think that the two seconds it takes to unplug a car is going to cause a spate of opportunistic crime? Like, to the point where people will not buy an EV because they are concerned they are going to be mugged? Because this seems like an insane position to me.