Comment by N_A_T_E

Comment by N_A_T_E 13 hours ago

5 replies

I recall the mandatory pairing as quite popular among some devs during that era. I wonder if anyone is actually still working in that manner.

SalientBlue 6 hours ago

I work at what used to be Pivotal, now Broadcom via VMware, and do pair programming every day. It was a bit of an adjustment, and I do sometimes miss solo dev work, but pairing does have some real benefits. It is really nice to have another set of eyes to catch mistakes you miss, and it's fantastic for spreading knowledge and onboarding new developers.

Puntergone 11 hours ago

Funny story, I work out of a small part of Accenture and was just today explaining to a client that this is how we work (pairing, TDD, etc.). Way back in 2018 or so we had a partnership with Pivotal and they taught us a bunch of their ways of working. It's been a challenge to maintain, especially through Covid, but a lot of the core ideas and practices are still alive. It doesn't work on every project, but man when it does it's a very nice way to do software.

  • _boffin_ 11 hours ago

    When the flow between the pair hits, it’s a beautiful thing.

yieldcrv 13 hours ago

I do alot of my work after close of business, I don’t do well in companies that require collaboration to get tasks done

I’ll pass all team player marks and metrics, but if there’s too much custom tooling, distributed knowledge and gatekeepers, my performance will suffer more than those that pair all day