Comment by oldgradstudent

Comment by oldgradstudent 18 hours ago

1 reply

> Tor's development team aren't on the payroll of the US gov't, and their funding comes from many sources.

That's not serious. From the Tor official blog:

> U.S. Government (53.5% of total revenue)

> Individual Donations (28.5% of total revenue)

> Non-U.S. Governments (7.5% of total revenue)

> Foundations (6.4% of total revenue)

> Corporations (3.4% of total revenue)

> Other (0.6% of total revenue)

toby- 17 hours ago

It's true that a majority is from the US government through various funding schemes and grants. They're very transparent about their funding and ongoing efforts to diversify. But a little over half coming from US government sources isn't the same as their devs literally being on the gov't payroll; people often talk about Tor as if the developers themselves earn a government salary.

(Funnily, Signal also received major funding from US government sources but very few people seem to question that when lauding Signal.)