Comment by Der_Einzige

Comment by Der_Einzige 2 months ago

2 replies

John Hughes deserves to be a pauper for what his films have done to American society. The way that American children have systemized and perfected bullying culture is disgusting and needs to have been shattered two generations ago.

Bullying to anywhere near the same extent as you see in America is so alien to most of the rest of the world. Do you know that nerds have the total opposite reputation in most of the third world compared to America?

Kids in school who are bullying blind kids are sick and deserve the full wrath of their superiors who ought to be catching this.

We should not just accept the idea of our youth being little shits. This is not a clockwork orange, and they are subordinate to us, not the other way around.

onemoresoop 2 months ago

What a ridiculous take. Kids or adults don't bully because they saw it in the movies.

  • Der_Einzige 2 months ago

    We live in the literal era of life imitating art and you think I'm off base?

    You're off base. Sure there is a sort of "natural" instinct to play hierachy games and even for some to bully within all humans, but to imply that this isn't wildly skewed from country to country or culture to culture indicates that you simply haven't been exposed to one of the situations where bullying is cracked down upon.

    It's quite rare to see "bullying" in the traditional sense within a lot of south east asia since the teachers are so shitty and strict, often there's an "us vs them" mentality that develops unique amount of camaraderie between students and teachers.

    Bullying reasons are also totally different. "Four Eyes" and other stuff against glasses is super duper uncommon, again in Asia since almost literally everyone there now wears glasses. Go to South Korea and you won't be bullied for sitting in front of a computer all the time, but you certainly will for being fat.

    But nerds getting shoved in lockers? The entirety of the "Krelboynes" in malcom in the middle? In poor countries, smart kids are seen as a one way ticket out of the hell-hole known as poverty and are often the most popular in their schools.