Comment by torginus

Comment by torginus 12 hours ago

3 replies

This diagram looks weird to me, looks like being lazy counteracts the effects of being cheap, so that being both is less dangerous than just trying to save money or effort alone.

emarsden 12 hours ago

"Being cheap" is a pressure from management to increase production in order to avoid economic failure. "Being lazy" is an effort from frontline workers to improve efficiency and avoid being swamped by production demand. One of the points of the diagram is that these partially cancel each other out, but the net effect of the addition of these two "vectors" is to push the system towards the failure boundary.

hinkley 6 hours ago

Efficiency should be in the hands of the clever but lazy employees. They will find the real efficiencies. Said some German general that gets quoted a lot.

immibis 11 hours ago

Can't fuck it up if you never even bother to do it!