Comment by kazushisan

Comment by kazushisan 14 hours ago

1 reply

My understanding is that Knip is for detecting unused things and that it's auto-fix feature is still experimental, but with that out of the way...

- In general, I personally do not like the idea of having to add another config file in my repo. I feel it's contradictory that I need to add more to my codebase to clean up the clutter in my codebase. I understand that relying on tsconfig to specify the target files has its pros and cons but I hope that my tool will encourage users to maintain their tsconfig. - Knip has its own ecosystem around removing unused stuff in your codebase (not limited to exports). I personally prefer tools that are more single-purposed and does one thing right so I don't have any ideas for expanding features; It will be focused on auto-fixing unused code caused by unncessary `export`s.

Cannabat 13 hours ago

Thanks for for the detailed answer. I'll try it out some time :)