Comment by mystified5016

Comment by mystified5016 17 hours ago

7 replies

I just went through this a few weeks ago. From what I can tell, the best available options are Google Pixel, or those open source pinephones with hardware that was obsolete ten years ago.

I got a pixel 8. I'm currently running graphene, but it's definitely not for me so I'll be switching to lineage soon

sychou 17 hours ago

What didn't you like about Graphene? And hope to see in Lineage?

  • nichohel 16 hours ago

    For me the dealbreaker on Graphene was inability to record my phone conversations. I went back to Lineage.

    • mcsniff 16 hours ago

      GrapheneOS can record phone calls just fine, there is a record button in the dialer.

      • summermusic 14 hours ago

        I can confirm this, and will add: on my Pixel 6 running GrapheneOS, I have to scroll down the "6 pack" of buttons on the in-call screen to reveal the record call button. There is no UI hint that these buttons are within a scrollable element, so discoverability is poor.

  • sigmonsays 17 hours ago

    i too would like to know, I use graphene right now and can't imagine it being better.

fsflover 16 hours ago

> or those open source pinephones with hardware that was obsolete ten years ago

What is obsolete about them? They will receive updates forever, and are quite snappy when using a good OS (e.g. SXMo).