Comment by vertnerd

Comment by vertnerd a day ago

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Eight years ago, when I bought my first Nissan Leaf, I was astonished to learn that the process of charging the car at a CHAdeMO station was entirely different from the process of filling a gasoline car. Eight years later, with a wallet full of different membership cards, and every charger with a different UI, the situation has actually gotten worse.

I, for one, welcome our new Tesla charging overlords.

Funny anecdote from two weeks ago: I had just finished a CHAdeMO session, stopped the charge, the UI said it was done (have a nice day!) but the charger refused to release the plug from the car. I spent ten minutes pulling and pulling, and talking to a clueless person on a customer service line, when the charger unlocked it all by itself. Imagine a system where a bug or glitch can lock the charging cable to your car for no reason whatsoever, completely immobilizing you in the middle of your trip!