Comment by bmelton

Comment by bmelton 17 hours ago

4 replies

Arguendo, having to type extra characters to enable the functionality that the tool says it will do in its very name seems backwards to me.

diggan 16 hours ago

Besides, the common behavior is to do what it says on the tin by default, but offer flags to make cli's "simulate" their run with "--dry-run" or similar.

I'm not sure I know of any utility that would have the opposite behavior than that.

  • cdirkx 15 hours ago

    The "install -y" pattern is kind of similar. Various tools have as a default that it gives a list of packages that would be installed, and then ask for confirmation.

    • bmelton 12 hours ago

      `install -y` is a fun analogue to consider here.

      A "Hey, this is really going to delete files. If you're just playing around here, maybe try it with the --dry-run flag" seems sane and (so long as it's asked for) means less syntax to have to know up front.

    • senorrib 13 hours ago

      rm <file> does not ask for any confirmation. Neither do most of the infra tools we use on a daily basis.