Comment by graemep

Comment by graemep a day ago

1 reply

> I remember reading the font is similar to the letters that are taught in kindergarten which is a theory of why it's easy on the eyes.

I know some people find it easier to read, but that explanation does not seem right to me. For one thing are kids not taught to read using printed materials? I taught my kids to read using whole words - flash cards and then "look and say" books and those did not use fonts anything like this.

I personally find it hard to read and it slows me down slightly. I wonder whether some people benefit from being slowed down? Maybe making their eye movements more deliberate or efficient?

PawgerZ 18 hours ago

I believe they mean similar to the fonts when you're learning the alphabet, not when you're learning to read. Like those books where you trace "A" ten times then "a" 10 times then "B" and so on.