Comment by daghamm

Comment by daghamm 21 hours ago

2 replies

If you mean Chinese or Russian OEMs with their own version of ASOP, well that's not really Android anymore and is not using the Play app store anyway.

Western devices have to go through certification to use the name Android, so its not the wild wild west you think it is (although obviously some bugs may fall through).

See for example

pjmlp 21 hours ago

I certainly mean Android device I can buy in any European country from the lame 100 euros pre-paid throwaway phone up to 2000 euros three ways foldable phone, plus everything else running Android on cars, kiosks, TVs, handhelds and everywhere else Android gets installed as alternative to GNU/Linux by OEMs.

CTS only covers a subset of what everyone is doing with Android.

And it will never cover everything, because as the Android team likes to point out, they don't want to stiffle the innovation of their partners.

sunaookami 12 hours ago

You wish. Xiaomi is especially popular in Europe and has countless specific bugs. This "certification" does nothing.