Comment by mmanciop

Comment by mmanciop 20 hours ago

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I can 100% confirm that OpenTelemetry is a fantastic project to get rid of most observability lock-in.

For context: I am the Head of Product of Dash0, a recently-launched Observability product 100% based on OpenTelemetry. (And Dash0 is not even the first observability based on OpenTelemetry I work on.)

OTLP as a wire protocol goes a long way in ensuring that your telemetry can be ingested by a variety of vendors, and software like the OpenTelemetry Collector enables you to forward the same data to multiple backends at the same time.

Semantic conventions, when implemented correctly by the instrumentations, put the burden of "making telemetry look right" on the side of the vendor, and that is a fantastic development for the practice of observability.

However, of course, there is more to vendor lock-in than "can it ingest the same data". The two other biggest sources of lock in are:

1) Query languages: Vendors that use proprietary query languages lock your alerting rules and dashboards (and institutional knowledge!) behind them. There is no "official" OpenTelemetry query language, but at Dash0 we found that PromQL suffices to do all types of alerting and dashboards. (Yes, even for logs and traces!)

2) Integrations with your company processes, e.g., reporting or on-call.