Comment by iteria

Comment by iteria 20 hours ago

3 replies

I just want to second the person who said to reach out to your 0 to 3 program. It's extremely important because your child's blindness might be fixable. I was born blind. But it was because of nerve damage. I don't really understand what all the doctors did, but they managed to restore some sight in one eye by the time I was in 3rd grade or so. Enough to read if the book was close and the text large. By the time I was in late high school, I was able to get vision that was functionally enough that I didn't need any kind of accommodation. By late 20s, I had 20/20 vision (I mean in one eye, but that's all you need!)

It can be a long road, but the body is very use it or lose it, so starting early is so important. I still have some visual processing issues, but I need no support and I can even drive during the day. Technically at night too, but it's too iffy for me, so I avoid it at all costs. Not saying this is your boy, but I am saying that consulting with a professional is a good idea in case there's something that can be done even if it takes years to see the results.

jackdh 17 hours ago

That is incredible to read. It's one of the things which makes you stop thinking about all the awful things in the world and realise just how incredible modern science and medicine is.

frogulis 4 hours ago

That's a pretty incredible improvement. Was that from ongoing therapy over years, or did it gradually improve by itself after your childhood treatment?

tkuraku 16 hours ago

That's encouraging. We are in the 0-3 program and will do whatever we can.