Comment by benmmurphy

Comment by benmmurphy 18 hours ago

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i think the problem is signature verification APIs should return the signed data or an error and then the consumer should use the signed data from the API and not any other data. then there is no confusion over what was signed or not.

in the case of XML signature verification they probably should return a list of (XMLElement, Path) tuples. so the actual XMLElement that was signed and verified by the API and a path to the element in the document. having APIs that return IDs and then make assumptions that the signature verification code and the consumer code is going to perform resolution the same way is dangerous. even returning the path is a potential footgun but I assume consumers of an XMLSignature need to be able to check that elements appear in certain places in the document. i guess also DOM model APIs are probably implicitly returning a path if they support navigating by `getParentElement()`.