Comment by ruthmarx

Comment by ruthmarx a day ago

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> Sorry, this just makes no sense to me. You have a threat model that thinks Apple is a malicious actor and will interfere with the implementation of DNS resolution in higher level APIs because they "nanny" their users and developers. But you equally think they won't bother to do such nannying at a the lower levels because they "barely pay attention to [those legacy APIs].

I don't think this is a crazy position at all. Higher level frameworks often do things a particular way, often in a way that benefits the company pushing.

I'm pretty sure there are examples of Microsoft doing some slightly dodgy things via the .NET framework or similar but leaving the base win322 APIs untouched.

> but surely you can see why other people find it a little inconsistent?

Not really. I think people are dismissing it before really considering it because they think it's a moot point because the OS vendor could do anything, but I explained in other comments why I think that's flawed reasoning and not really relevant.

I appreciate your reply though, thank you.