Comment by PaulRobinson

Comment by PaulRobinson 20 hours ago

1 reply

Without wishing to minimise the very real, very serious consequences of your blindness, your points sound familiar to somebody who suffers from severe anxiety.

People being overly protective makes things more confusing. Technology (including many medications), often don't really deal with the root cause, but some things do help (like talking therapy and some meds). Independence can be challenging, going outside can be challenging, going outside can be a deeply uncomfortable endeavour, and yet getting on with life is important and so we keep moving.

I'm sure blindness sucks in ways I can't easily empathise with as a sighted person, and so it's not anything close to a reasonable metaphor, but I feel I empathise with a sense of discomfort, anxiety and confusion. I never thought it would be the same. Thank you for sharing, and keep moving.

jesterswilde 11 hours ago

No worries, I get where you're comin from. Nobody can truly understand what anyone else is goin through and we all have to use ourselves as proxies.