Comment by euroderf

Comment by euroderf a day ago

2 replies


All these things might need some flavor of escrow-with-indie-verification. For example, does the published source actually compile other what's on the device? And some flavors of escrow (like your #3) need a bankroll or some sort of insurance.

And anyways, given the inevitable enshittification of all the things, including "assurance", how is a grand scheme for preventing willful software obsolescence enforceable by anything less imposing than the gummint?

Rygian a day ago

In my fictional country, the gummint is BDFL-style. Regulation is broadly accepted as the lesser evil, when compared to letting the free market enshittify itself.

  • euroderf 19 hours ago

    I have been assured by trusted third parties that your term of BDFL rule will be both wise and benevolent, plus also possibly unto death.