Comment by madaxe_again

Comment by madaxe_again 21 hours ago

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A whole bunch of folks here talking about your son, which is fine, because that’s what you asked about - but from experience with friends and family members with disabilities, and friends with kids with additional needs, the people who will need the most help are you and your partner, if you have one.

As I’m sure you’ve gathered by this point, a kid is a lot of work. A kid with additional support needs is a lot of work. I’m not just talking about physical labour, but emotional labour. It is hard to watch other kids develop “normally” and see your own struggling, through no fault of their or your own.

I strongly, strongly recommend that you seek therapy to talk this through with someone who knows the territory.

Help yourselves, it will help him more than you can know. You will also find that a good therapist with the right specialisation will be able to give you much, much better advice than us internet hobos.

Good luck.