Comment by xkzx

Comment by xkzx a day ago

1 reply

I used to volunteer in a youth camp where some of the participants were blind. As a challenge, everyone spent at least a day blindfolded. Me as well, and to be honest, I got the hang of it relatively quickly. Within 4-5hours I could navigate the building, eat, go to the toilet etc. and my other senses got more keen. It was truly an interesting experience. Not all is bad. You might not know what it is like, so I suggest you try it yourself. Of course, you will need other people that see around you that day, but it will sure give a closer perspective to what your kids life might be.

Once in a while I still meet one of the blind kids from the camp (he is 22 now, he was 14 then) and I have to say that he is truly amazing. He echolocates, rides a bike, finished University studying law. went to US, learned English there. Now he wants to know Russia better, so he is going solo on the Transsiberian express. Just to see what it is like.

Best of luck!

widforss 21 hours ago

Cool. How do blind people navigate while riding bikes?