Comment by short_sells_poo

Comment by short_sells_poo a day ago

2 replies

Same experience in the UK. Just within London you have a dozen charging networks, they all have their own shitty apps, they require you to add your credit card and create an account and half the time they simply don't work and just give you some garbage error message like "charging failed".

Don't even get me started on Oxford. We arrive to a charging station and it turns out it is exclusively for electric taxis. No mention of this anywhere online.

It boils down to trial and error, and then remembering which specific charging points tend to work. For a completely new piece of infrastructure with no legacy cruft, the industry has made a complete and utter mess of it.

zelos a day ago

Most UK chargers are on Electroverse now I think?

mavhc a day ago

90% of the ones I use have a card reader, and not found one that doesn't work in the past 2 years, of course I'll check on zapmap comments first