Comment by avazhi

Comment by avazhi a day ago

4 replies

I agree with the general ethos of the piece (albeit a few of the details are puzzling and unnecessarily partisan - content on X isn't invariably worthless drivel, nor does what Reddit is doing make much intellectual as opposed to economic [IPO-influenced] sense - but this line:

'OpenAI and Google can collect their own damn data. I hope they have to pay a very high price for it, and I hope they're constantly cursing the mess that they made themselves.'

really does betray some real naivete. OpenAI and Google could literally burn $10million dollars per day (okay, maybe not OpenAI - but Google surely could) and reasonably fail to notice. Whatever costs those companies have to pay to collect training data will be well worth it to them. Any messes made in the course of obtaining that data will be dealt with by an army of employees either manually cleaning up the data, or by algorithms Google has its own LLM write for itself.

I do find the general sense of impending dystopian inhumanity arising out of the explosion of LLMs to be super fascinating (and completely understandable).

devjab a day ago

> puzzling and unnecessarily partisan - content on X isn't invariably worthless drivel

Maybe this is because I’m European, but what is partisan about calling X invariably worthless drivel? Seems a lot like facts to me considering what has been going on with the platform moderation since Elon Musk bought it. It’s so bad that the EU consider it a platform for misinformation these days.

  • cdrini a day ago

    Do you have a citation on that last claim?

  • avazhi a day ago

    Because the author specifically mentioned that it's worthless because it's 'right-wing' (a 'right-wing cesspool'), as if there aren't plenty of people espousing left-wing views on the platform. The right-wing comment in particular is what makes the statement blatantly partisan.

  • bakugo a day ago

    > It’s so bad that the EU consider it a platform for misinformation these days.

    Can you define "misinformation"? Is it just things the government disagrees with?